
After getting my undergrad in Psych/Neurosci in 2018, I felt a bit lost. I jumped at the first opportunity I could find to generate some income - a data annotation role at an AI startup. It's a job where you label data for machine learning models, which is essentially like doing CAPTCHAs all day.

It was a "podcast job", aka a job you could zone out to and listen to podcasts while you work. I felt especially inspired by James Bridle's (audio)book 'New Dark Age', I grew fascinated with physical computing/hardware and the connected history between early computers and textiles, notably how the Jacquard loom (one of the first machines to use binary inputs) was akin to an early computer.

This exploration sparked my interest in knitting and crocheting as a way to connect these intertwined histories. This project uses garments to materialize the accidentally poetic text-based CAPTCHAs. Influenced by my machine learning experience, I've grown to appreciate the beauty in these transient, digital phrases. My goal is to transform these fleeting, humorous texts into tangible, wearable items - paying tribute to their poignant turns of phrase that so quickly come and go.